Bob Cooney Court, Aberdeen, AB25 3SP

Bob Cooney Court is located on Berryden Road in the city centre and a large, centrally located scheme of 54 general needs properties.  The scheme is on a bus route and is close to a retail park, which has a Sainsbury’s supermarket.

This scheme comprises 54 general needs properties including one-bed, two-bedroom and three-bedroom flats suitable for families. To the rear of the scheme, there is a drying green, along with a play park and bike stores. There is a car park, with 15 spaces available for rent, and the rest on a first-come basis.

Dogs are not permitted in our flatted properties though other pets may be permitted with permission.

This scheme is in the catchment zone for Skene Square Primary School and Aberdeen Grammar School.


To contact the team which manage this scheme, please email:

Housing Officers:

Property Services Officers:

Or call: 01224 625822