We are justifiably proud of our tenant participation.
CaRTO provides a vital role in examining our services and recommending improvements where they think they are needed. Our members volunteer their time to make sure we are providing services which work for our tenants and they are always looking for new members to help with this.
You can download our Tenant Participation Strategy.
If you wish to be part of CaRTO please contact our TP officer Catherine Coutts on 01224 625822 or email her on catherine.coutts@castlehillha.co.uk
We’ve created a handbook with the help of tenants, for tenants. It has been designed as a guide to refer to at the start, during and at the end of your tenancy.
We have over 1900 properties across North East Scotland, including general needs, amenity, sheltered, very sheltered, mid-market rent and shared ownership.