Who are CaRTO?
CaRTO is the short name for Castlehill Registered Tenants Organisation. CaRTO are an independent, autonomous tenants group. The Scottish Government recognise CaRTO as being a Registered Tenants Organisation (RTO).
Click here to see CaRTO’s constitution.
Click here to find out more about RTOs.
Who can join?
CaRTO is open to any current tenant of Castlehill.
What do CaRTO do?
CaRTO work in partnership with Castlehill and are consulted as part of the decision-making process. They make recommendations, give feedback and shape Castlehill’s policies, procedures and publications.
CaRTO also come up with their own ideas to support tenants. Their initiatives include:
Digital inclusion project at Queen Elizabeth Court in Fettercairn
Alan Morrison Above & Beyond Award
Participatory Budgeting fund for tenants
When do CaRTO meet?
CaRTO meet at 2pm on the first Thursday of the month at an accessible venue in Waverley Place in Aberdeen. Click here to see CaRTO’s meeting schedule.
COVID-19: CaRTO are busier than ever, holding virtual meetings during social distancing. Non-online tenants can join the same meeting by phoning in, similar to a conference call.
What if I can’t manage meetings, but still want to be involved?
You can attend any CaRTO meeting virtually, via Zoom (either video call or simply by calling in using your landline/mobile).
If you’d prefer to dip in and out of tenant participation, CaRTO Home Link is an easy way to see what’s going on and be involved, without the meetings. Home Link is a digital discussion forum. All you need is an email address.
Who do I contact?
To get involved, contact our Tenant Participation Officer on 01224 625822 or catherine.coutts@castlehillha.co.uk.
We’ve created a handbook with the help of tenants, for tenants. It has been designed as a guide to refer to at the start, during and at the end of your tenancy.
We have over 1900 properties across North East Scotland, including general needs, amenity, sheltered, very sheltered, mid-market rent and shared ownership.