Our Independent Living Schemes offer housing for older people in a safe and secure property with staff onsite to provide housing management services. These schemes promote independence with the capacity to signpost tenants to other services as their needs change to allow them to live independently in the home for as long as possible.
Properties are self-contained flats or cottages designed to meet the requirements of people over 55 or with a medical or physical disability.
Our smaller schemes have staff onsite Monday – Friday for approximately 15 hours. Larger schemes have staff available Monday – Friday – 35 hours per week. Our schemes have Community Alarm systems so tenants can call for help in an emergency. When staff are not at the scheme, Community Alarm provides assistance.
Properties may feature grab rails, level access showers, lower baths, and high-level electric sockets. All properties are accessible flatted properties are no higher than two floors or have a lift. Most schemes have communal facilities, which could include a communal lounge, laundry facilities, and guest rooms. Many schemes have an active social element for those who like to be involved.
Further information on these schemes can be found here.
If you would like to be considered for a property, please register with These Homes. www.thesehomes.com and complete an online registration form.
If you are a current tenant, you can check who your Scheme Co-ordinator and Housing Officer is by calling reception on 01224 625822 or info@castlehillha.co.uk
Castlehill Independent Living Schemes: