As a registered social landlord we hold many different types of information. You have rights regarding this information and we have responsibilities as to how we gather it and what we do with it.
We publish information about the Association through a range of publications, including our Annual Report and our Newsletter ‘The Chain.’ We also regularly publish information on our website where we keep readers updated about the Association and signpost to information tenants may find useful.
There is information that we provide to organisations like the Scottish Housing Regulator, The Care Inspectorate and the Office other Scottish Charity Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority all of which is accessible to the public.
There is legislation which provides you with rights to access your information.
The General Data Protection Regulations – Provide rights to access your own personal information held by organisations.
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Provides rights for individuals to access a range of information held by organisations who are designated public authorities under the Act.
Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 – Provides rights for individuals to access a range of environmental information held by organisations who are designated public authorities under the regulations.
Data Protection information
Castlehill’s Data protection policy is available to view here. Our GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Fair Processing Notice explains how we will handle your personal information.
This explains what information we collect when we collect it and how we use this. As a landlord, we will process personal data (which may be held on paper, electronically, or otherwise) about you and we recognise the need to treat it in an appropriate and lawful manner.
You have rights in relation to your personal information and we have responsibilities regarding that information. If you would like to find out what information we hold on file for you, you can request this by completing the subject access request form and returning it to our office.
We have over 1900 properties across North East Scotland, including general needs, amenity, sheltered, very sheltered, mid-market rent and shared ownership.