
Tenants Together

The Regional Networks has unveiled its bold new identity, including a new name, logo, and vision as part of an extensive rebranding exercise, launched at their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 1st June 2024.

The organisation has now officially rebranded to ‘Tenants Together’ to better reflect who they are: a national network of tenants, committed to empowering the tenants of today and tomorrow, ensuring their voices are heard and influence decisions within the Scottish social housing sector, to protect tenants’ rights and make a difference.

Funded by The Scottish Government, network members worked with TIS (Tenants Information Service) to design and implement the new brand identity, mission statement, vision for the future, and core values. It was important that the approach was tenant-led to ensure the new identity embodied the key priorities and ambitions of the network’s members.

Colin Stewart, a Castlehill tenant and chair of Tenants Together explained:

“This is a major milestone for our organisation. With a clear vision and mission, we can move forward with our commitment to making sure the views of tenants and service users are listened to, acted upon, and are at the forefront of all housing and community developments. It is a very exciting time for us.”

The improved branding will provide the housing sector with a better understanding of the aims of the network, who will speak up to protect tenants’ rights and offer a variety of opportunities for tenants and service users to influence national housing policy, work to ensure tenant participation is embedded within the culture of housing organisations operating throughout the sector, and share a unified voice for tenants and service users on national committees, boards, and taskforces.

Castlehill tenants are encouraged to visit tenantstogether.scot and get involved by signing up to their subscription service for updates.